How Our Direct Debits System Works

We encourage you to use our monthly debit order service – it’s less admin for everyone.

If you would like to use the debit service please complete the Debit Order Mandate form. It takes 3 minutes and your unique link would have been emailed to you after you placed an order – look out for an email with the subject “Atomic Direct Debit Form”.

Details you will need to complete the Direct Debit form

  • Bank account number
  • Branch code
  • Service ID – each service requires a separate Direct Debit mandate form
  • E-Signature – use your mouse or trackpad, on your mobile device you can sign with your finger

When will the debit order come out of my account

We run a single debit order batch each month which is submitted to our payment provider on the 1st of each month. This is to cater for people paid between the 25th and the end of the month. You should see the debit go off on the 2nd or 3rd of the month depending on whether it’s a public holiday/weekend or not.

Your first invoice will be processed around the 25th of the month after your service goes live.

Is direct debit required

Using the Direct Debit function is not compulsory, so don’t worry if you’d prefer to pay via your bank using automated payments, or manually using EFT. However, if you are going to be making the payments, please make sure to only make payments once you have seen your invoice. Your service fee shouldn’t change often but sometimes we need to update your line fee based on referral discounts or other deals you are eligible for 😎.

NB – If you are not planning on making use of the direct debit system please use your Service ID as the payment reference when making payments manually (this includes using the automatic payment service from your bank).

Your Monthly Atomic Invoice

Expect to see some or all of the following items on your invoice:

  • Fibre service fee for the month that you were connected (pro-rata until the end of that month)
  • Fibre service fee for the month coming (we bill in advance)
  • Router cost (if you ordered a router from Atomic)
  • Once-off Installation/Migration/Reconnection fee (the amount charged will depend on the service you ordered
  • Static IP address rental fee (if applicable)

If you spot anything you think shouldn’t be on there, don’t pay the invoice, hit reply on the invoice email us and we’ll have a friendly thumb war about it.