Octotel Speed and Price Changes September 2020

Hold Onto Your Helmets... New Octotel Speeds Are Coming!


From 1 September πŸ™Β  Octotel are completely overhauling their line speed offering, and pricing – that means our deals and pricing will be changing too. Hold onto your hats kids, there’s a new hyperdrive spinning up!

Now for the details . . .


Our Octotel fibre speed increase got an early take-off πŸš€ Customers will start enjoying FASTER fibre speeds.

Fibre speed increase timeline:
πŸ‘‰πŸΎΒ  Athlone + Lakeside + Rondebosch: NOW!
πŸ‘‰πŸΎΒ  CBD + East CBD: 4 August
πŸ‘‰πŸΎΒ  Seapoint + Green Point: 5 August
πŸ‘‰πŸΎΒ  Strand + Sommerset West: 10 August
πŸ‘‰πŸΎΒ  Capegate: ~ 17-21 August estimated

Changes in the Octotel galaxy…

Big change is taking place in the Octotel galaxy, and we’re here to share the news with you.

Over the next few months Octotel will be completely refactoring their line speed offering available to home users on their network. The pricing change to cater for these changes will take place from the 1 September 2020.

In summary, the changes are:

– All lines except the 1Gbps fibre line will be symmetrical, this means that both download and upload speeds will be the same.
– The entry-level Fibre lines from Octotel will change from 10/5Mbps and 10/10Mbps to 15/15Mbps
– The 20/5Mbps and 20/20Mbps profiles change to 30/30Mbps

Below are the our new fibre deals that will come into effect from 1 September 2020:

New Octotel Speeds and Prices from 1 September 2020Note: If you are on the 10/5Mbps line or 10/10Mbps line you will automatically be moved up to the new entry-level tier of 15/15Mbps. If you are on the 20/5 or 20/20 you’ll be move up to the 30/30. If you don’t want that to happen, then please get in touch with us.

If you are on a discount tier, you will receive the same % discount but calculated from the new list price. Don’t know about our discount tiers? Learn more about our fibre referral program. Learn more about our fibre referral program.

If you are not a customer yet, get in touch or save some time and just sign up πŸ˜‰